Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale

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The Alpha Romeo 33 Stradale is considered by many, including myself, to be one of the most beautiful cars ever produced. The bodies were fabricated by the automotive design and construction firm of Carrozzeria Mizzari with only 18 being built. Supposedly the sixties era "sex symbol" movie actress Gina Lolobrigida ordered and took delivery of one. Quite possibly due to a 33 Stradale being in the movie That Splendid November staring Ms. Lolobrigida. Here is a clip with the scenes with the 33 Stadale. 33 Stradale in That Splendid November The V8 makes terrific sounds.

Until recently that was the only footage of a Stradale moving faster than driving in a parking lot or on a concourse lawn that I had found. But this new video interview of former F1 driver, (85 races), and 2 time Targo Florio winner Arturio Merzario has a couple of shots of him driving his "pride and joy" Stradale on a public road. 33 Stradale Owner Arturo Merzario Interview

More video links at bottom of page.


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